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Community Solar Project – Not Enough Customer Participation
August 17, 2016

Clallam County PUD’s proposed Community Solar Project did not receive the necessary customer participation to move forward with construction. As of Friday, August 12, the customer participation level was at 59%. For the PUD to construct the project a full 100% participation level was required.

The proposed project was a 75kW system divided into 1350 units available for customers to purchase. The project was to be built in the Sequim area using Washington made solar panels, with each unit costing $250 and an estimated payback period, with incentives, of about 15 years.

Fred Mitchell, Power Supply & Utility Services Manager, says, “It’s unfortunate the project did not receive full participation, but with the state solar incentive expiring soon, and the popularity of roof top solar maxing out the incentive in our service area, perhaps the payback period was just too long for customers.”

The Washington state solar incentive is set to expire in June of 2020. As this was one of the obstacles to a lower payback period on the project, the PUD plans to discuss the implications of this expiration with legislators as the 2017 legislative session approaches.

The PUD offers the Watts Green program for those customers who are interested in supporting renewable energy. Learn more here: