- Rooftop solar is typically owned or leased from a third-party vendor by a homeowner or business owner and located on homes' or businesses' rooftops. Solar panel installations can also be located on the ground if the property owner has the space. Community solar is paid for mostly by interested customers in the community. It can be sited at various locations throughout the community and is typically ground-mounted due to the large number of panels.
- The entry price point for community solar units can be much less than rooftop solar since the units are sized much smaller and the costs are spread out over multiple participants.
- Not all customer properties are conducive to solar generation because they are not optimally situated relative to the sun or objects that may block the sun. Community solar programs are sited to avoid these issues.
- Any electric customer of the utility can participate in community solar.
- Unlike rooftop solar, community solar is not directly associated with a customer’s home or business property. Therefore, some of the issues that could arise on the sale of the home or business are avoided.