Panoramic Heights Water System (LUD 15)


Availability - This schedule applies to single or multiple-family residential customers.

Customer Service Charge (per Month)

Rate ScheduleMeter Size202320242025202620272028
PH-R B3/4 inches$54.72$57.25$59.94$62.76 $65.71 $68.80
PH-R C1 inches$133.23 $143.13$149.87$156.92$164.30 $172.02
PH-R D1 1/2 inches$268.92$286.25$299.72$313.82$328.58$344.03
PH-R E2 inches$429.64$458$479.56$502.12$525.74$550.46

Usage Charge (per 100 Cubic Feet)

Levels of Usage202320242025202620272028
0 to 500 cubic feet$4.88$5.15$5.40$5.65$5.92$6.20
501 to 900 cubic feet$5.60$5.93$6.21$6.50$6.80$7.12
901 to 1,600 cubic feet$6.34$6.70$7.02$7.35$7.69 $8.05
Over 1,601 cubic feet$7.31$7.73$8.10$8.48$8.88 $9.29

Effective: October 1, 2023


Availability - This schedule applies to all commercial customers, including trailer courts.

Customer Service Charge (per Month)

Rate ScheduleMeter Size202320242025202620272028
PH-C B3/4 inches$54.72$57.25$59.94$62.76$65.71 $68.80
PH-C C1 inch$133.23$143.13$149.87$156.92$164.30$172.02
PH-C D1-1/2 inches$268.92$286.25$299.72$313.82$328.58$344.03
PH-C E2 inches$429.64$458$479.56$502.12$525.74$550.46
PH-C F3 inches$875.48$916$959.11$1,004.24$1,051.47$1,100.90
PH-C G4 inches$1,367.95$1,431.25$1,498.62$1,569.13$1,642.93$1,720.17

Usage Charge (per 100 Cubic Feet)

Levels of Usage202320242025202620272028
0 to 3,000 cubic feet$4.92$5.21$5.45 $5.71$5.98$6.26
3,001 to 6,000 cubic feet$5.66$5.99$6.27$6.57 $6.88 $7.20
6,001 to 9,000 cubic feet$6.39$6.77$7.09$7.42$7.77$8.14
Over 9,001 cubic feet$7.38$7.82$8.18 $8.57$8.97$9.39

Private Fire Protection Charge - Customer Service Charge (per Month)

Rate ScheduleLine Size202320242025202620272028
P44"$23.24 $25.91$28.89$32.22 $35.92$40.05