To commercial and individual customers including schools, public agencies, and other users not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand is greater than 50kW at any time and less than 300kW at least ten times per year.
2024 | |
Basic Customer Charge | $75.81 per month* |
Energy Charge | All Energy at 6.64¢ per kWh* |
Demand Charge | $3.77 per kW of Recorded Demand* |
Power Factor Charge | See description below |
Recorded Demand
The Recorded Demand under this schedule shall be the larger of the following demand factors:
- The Contract Demand, if any.
- The highest 15-minute demand during the month as determined by demand meter.
Power Factor Charge
When the measured average Power Factor (P.F.) is less than 95% lagging, the Power Factor charge will be computed as follows:
- Power Factor Charge = [ ( .95 ÷ P.F. )-1] x Demand Charge
Primary Service
Service may be taken at the available primary distribution voltage, and a discount from the above rates granted if provided for by contract.
Monthly Minimum
93.97¢ per kW of connected load per month*
Rules & Regulations
Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.
Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)
CETA Low Income Assistance Charge is $1.07 per month†
* Does not include state or local taxes
† Will be evaluated on an annual basis
Effective: April 1, 2024