Section 3: Line Extension Regulations

A. General Provisions

  1. Location - Permanent line extensions will normally be built in the most direct route from the nearest source of supply. However, the availability of easements and maintenance considerations may affect line routing. Placement of line extensions shall be at the discretion of the Manager of the District.
  2. Trenches - The Customer or Developer shall provide trenches to District specifications for all underground installations.
  3. Easements - The Customer or Developer shall provide easements as required for the extension, in the location and of the width specified by the District.
  4. Ownership of Facilities - Ownership of any and all facilities constructed under the District's Line Extension Regulations shall remain with the Public Utility District No. 1 of Clallam County, Washington. Ownership of Customer or Contractor installed extensions will begin when approved and energized by the District.
  5. Increase, Maintenance, and Upgrading of Facilities - Any costs incurred to provide any increase in facilities beyond those requested or needed to serve the load of an individual Customer or Developer shall be absorbed by the District, provided that the Manager of the District shall be the final authority as to the size of facilities to be installed, and provided that certain standard and minimum facilities may be established as customary for District installation. Maintenance and upgrading of facilities for District purposes following initial construction shall be the responsibility of the District.
  6. Construction Cost Sharing
    1. Customers with paid construction estimates prior to September 19, 2022, shall be allowed to share under April 11, 2022 Electric Service Regulations Resolution 2239- 22.
    2. Customers with paid construction estimates on or after September 19, 2022 may be required to contribute construction cost sharing to those customers eligible under April 11, 2022 Electric Service Regulations Resolution 2239-22.
  7. Construction and Ownership of Extension - The Customer(s) shall bear the entire cost of the extension and may elect either to have the extension constructed by the District in compliance with this Section or by a contractor of choice, in accordance with all specifications of, and subject to inspection (the cost of such inspection, etc. shall be paid for by the Customer or Customers) and approval by the District. Upon completion of the contractor extension, title thereto, together with all necessary franchises, easements, rights of way, and/or permits pertaining to the extension shall be conveyed to the District, and the District agrees to assume obligations and liabilities for maintenance and operation. In the event that the extension is built by a contractor:
    1. The extension shall be guaranteed by the Customer, for a period of not less than one year, against physical defects. Electrical service will not be made available until all requirements are met by the Customer(s).
  8. Proposal Cost - The District will provide line extension cost estimates to the Customer or potential developers. If the cost of preparing the estimate(s) exceeds $1,000, the customer or developer will pay in advance the estimated engineering cost for amounts in excess of $1,000.
  9. Unit Costs - The District Manager will establish unit costs (based on actual District cost) for components of the electrical system used in line extensions. These costs will be changed as needed to reflect current actual expenses.
  10. Cost Accounting - The District will review the actual cost of each line extension. If the actual cost exceeds the estimate by more than $200, the Customer will be invoiced for that amount in excess of the estimate; or if the estimate exceeds the actual cost by more than $200, a refund of the excess will be made to the Customer.
  11. Substation Capacity Charge - When an existing substation transformer will exceed 80% of full air-cooled transformer rating due to a peak load addition of more than 600 KVA, the requesting customer will be assessed a substation capacity charge. This charge will be based on the current estimated substation upgrade cost, and the existing transformer capacity shall be based on the most recent District planning study. Peak load addition will be based on 80% of the customer-submitted main disconnect panel amp rating. Primary metered services peak load addition will be based on PUD engineering calculation incorporating the following formula:Capacity Charge = A*B/(C-D) where:
    • A = Current estimated substation upgrade cost
    • B = Portion of load addition above 80% of existing transformer rating
    • C = New transformer full air-cooled rating
    • D = Current load on existing transformer
  12. Developer Substation Capacity Charge - When the load on an existing substation transformer is projected to exceed 80% of its full air-cooled capacity due to the addition of more than 600 KVA from a single development plat, the customer will be assessed a substation capacity charge. If the development will be built in phases, the developer substation capacity charge will be paid in the amount due per phase of the project. This charge will be determined by the current estimated cost of upgrading the substation, and will consider the existing transformer capacity as determined by the most recent District planning study. The projected increase in peak load will be calculated using the coincident peak load for all dwelling units listed on the development plat. Coincident peak load per dwelling unit will be computed using the most recent planning study engineering analysis for dwelling unit type, and quantity.Capacity Charge = (C*D)/(E-F) where:
    • L = Load addition is calculated by multiplying the number of dwelling unit additions by the dwelling unit coincident peak load
    • C = Current estimated substation upgrade cost
    • D = Portion of “L” above 80% of existing transformer rating
    • E = New transformer full air-cooled rating
    • F = Current load on existing transformer

B. Residential Line Extensions

  1. New Service Charge(s) - The District's New Service Charge(s) shall be paid prior to connection to District facilities, and shall provide for installation of a transformer, overhead service conductor installation, underground service inspection and connection, and the District's portion of the metering equipment for a service to a single-family residence. In addition, a service pole may be installed, without cost to the Customer, if that service pole is required for the convenience of the District.
  2. Construction Costs - Where facilities construction is required to make service available to a single-family residence, the costs to the Customer(s) shall be determined as follows:
    1. The estimated cost of the facilities to be constructed by the District plus the New Service Charge will be determined by the District.
    2. The Customer(s) desiring service shall pay to the District the estimated cost of the facilities plus the New Service Charge.

C. General Power Line Extensions (Non-Residential)

  1. New Service Charge(s) - The New Service Charge(s) shall be paid prior to connection to District facilities.
    1. For General Power Accounts with Anticipated Annual Load Factors Equal to or Greater than 40 Percent. The District's New Service Charge(s) shall provide for installation of transformers, overhead service conductors, underground service connection and the District's portion of metering equipment.
    2. For General Power Accounts with Anticipated Annual Load Factors Less than 40 Percent. At the discretion of the Manager, some portion of the transformation and metering cost shall be paid by the Customer. Surcharges collected for transformation or metering shall not be sharable.
    3. For Primary Metering - The cost of primary metering shall be paid by the Customer, unless such primary metering is required by the District for its benefit.
    4. For a Service Pole - A service pole may be installed without cost to a General Power Customer if such service pole is required for the District's convenience.
  2. Construction Costs - Where facilities construction is required to make service available to a General Power account, the costs to the Customer shall be determined as follows:
    1. The estimated cost of the facilities to be constructed by the District plus the New Service Charge(s) will be determined by the District.
    2. The General Power Customer(s) desiring service shall pay to the District the estimated cost of the facilities plus the New Service Charge(s).
  3. Construction Cost Sharing
    1. Customers with paid construction estimates prior to September 19, 2022 shall be allowed sharing under April, 11 2022 Electric Service Regulations Resolution 2239- 22.
    2. Customers with paid construction estimates on or after September 19, 2022 may be required to contribute construction cost sharing to those customers eligible under April 11, 2022 Electric Service Regulations Resolution 2239-22.

D. Large Industrial Power Line Extensions

Line extensions for industrial and large power accounts shall be made by individual arrangement.

E. Developer Line Extensions

  1. Construction Costs - A Developer requesting extension of electric lines in Conventional or Non-Conventional Subdivisions or to provide service for manufactured home rental facilities or multi family dwelling structures shall pay to the District the District's estimated cost of the required facilities prior to work being scheduled.

F. Irrigation Line Extensions

  1. Line extensions built to serve irrigation pumps and/or nonresidential farm installations exclusively shall be constructed at the Customer's expense.
  2. The District's New Service Charge(s) shall provide installation of a transformer(s), overhead service conductors, and the District's portion of the metering equipment for the irrigation service. New Service Charge(s) shall be paid prior to connection to District facilities.
  3. Irrigation line construction costs shall be shared by additional Customers using the line, in the same manner as residential/commercial line construction costs.


Line extensions will be owned and maintained by the District as long as customers utilize them for electric service. When it is determined that District facilities have been idle for a period of one year, the District has the right to remove the facilities or parts thereof. The District will attempt to contact the property owner to determine if he/she has a future need for the idle facilities. Customers who are not using any energy but wish to have the facilities available can do so by paying a monthly service charge as determined by the District.