Section 6: Service Regulations

A.Availability of Service

  1. Customer Requests Service - A Customer, before proceeding with the wiring or installation of equipment, shall request a determination of the availability of service from the District.
  2. Available Electric Service - The District will advise the Customer of the most suitable phase and voltage available on established circuits. Service will be installed, connected, supplied, and maintained in accordance with the District's Electric Service Requirements and these Electric Service Regulations.
  3. Protective Devices - Suitable protective devices on the Customer's premises may be required whenever the District deems such installation necessary to protect its property or that of its other Customers.

B. Temporary Service

  1. Availability - Temporary service will be supplied under applicable rate schedules and in accordance with the following conditions:
    1. The Customer will pay in advance the estimated cost of furnishing and removing the required facilities, less the value of materials returned to stock; provided, that where service conductors and a meter are required; the advance payment will be as set forth in the applicable Schedule of Deposits and Charges.
    2. The Customer will pay for such service at the monthly rate applicable to the class of service.
    3. Temporary service will be provided for one year from the date the service is connected to District facilities. The Customer may request continuance of temporary service annually thereafter, and the District may continue such service at the Manager's discretion. If continuance of temporary service is not determined to be safe, the Customer will be notified of termination of such service and will be given a reasonable time, not to exceed one year, to convert to a permanent service.

C. Service Installation and Maintenance

  1. Electric Service Requirements - The District's Electric Service Requirements are applicable to every service in addition to the subsections below.
  2. Overhead Services - Overhead service conductors will be installed by the District and attached to a connection point, acceptable to the District, provided by the Customer on the Customer's facility. In the case of metering on a District pole, the District will attach its conductors to the pole and connect to the Customer's wiring thereon.
  3. Service Poles - The District will furnish and install any service poles where they are required. Payment for service poles shall be as determined in Section 3.
  4. Underground Services - Underground service conductors will be provided and installed by the Customer or contractor, except that they will be connected by the District to District facilities. Residential underground service conductors must be installed to District specifications and inspected and approved by a District representative prior to backfill.
  5. Maintenance of Services
    1. The District will maintain the service conductors between the District’s transformer and the connections on the source side of the customer’s weather-head on all overhead residential, commercial and industrial services.
    2. Residential underground service conductors installed to District specifications between a District facility and the Customer's meter will be maintained by the District after acceptance and a one-year warranty period.
    3. Apartments and Condominiums - The underground service or services to any multi-unit residential structure or structures containing more than 4 individually metered dwelling units shall be classified as commercial with respect to the requirements of this section.
    4. Non-residential underground service installed from the District transformer to the customer’s point of metering will be maintained by the customer or the customer’s contractor at the customer’s expense. The District will assist, by request, in the maintenance by providing available resources at the customer’s expense.
    5. The Customer's point of metering of an instrument transformer installation is considered to be at the instrument transformer.
    6. Whenever a Customer requests changes to the service that affect the maintenance responsibility, the Customer will be so advised.

D. Service Entrance

  1. Location of Service Entrance - The applicant for service shall determine from the District the location of the service entrance and metering equipment. Any wiring installed without first determining service entrance and/or meter locations as covered above is done at the risk of having to relocate the service to conform with the requirements of the District.
  2. Number of Attachments - All service entrances will be so located that the service conductors installed by the District will reach the service entrance by attachment at only one location on the building.
  3. Specific Requirements - Specific requirements are contained in the District's Electric Service Requirements.

E. Customer Equipment on Poles

No equipment, devices, or wiring, other than service entrance equipment belonging to a Customer, shall be attached to District owned poles except by special permission from the District; and any such attachment shall be done strictly in accordance with District specifications.

F. Determination of Demand & Reactive

  1. Load Requirements - Demand metering shall be installed on services when demand or anticipated demand exceeds 50kW. Reactive metering shall be installed when the actual or anticipated power factor of the load is less than 98% lagging.
  2. Time Interval - Where the rate is based on kW demand, the kW demand shall be the highest 15-minute demand in the month, as determined by suitable indicating or recording instruments.
  3. Demands of Fluctuating Loads - For demands that are widely fluctuating, there shall be added to the 15-minute interval demand described in rate schedules an additional demand equal to 40% of the positive difference between the maximum one-minute demand minus 150% of the 15-minute interval demand.

G.Power Factor Adjustment

  1. Power Factor Charge - Under rate schedules providing for a kW demand charge, adjustment for power factor shall be made as detailed in the applicable Rate Schedules.
  2. Power Factor Correction - If the District determines that the power factor of a Customer's load is less than 95% lagging, the District may require the Customer to install proper equipment to prevent its power factor from falling below 98%.

H.Energy Efficiency

  1. Cities and County Areas - The current Washington State Energy Code and the current Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code are considered District-wide minimum energy efficiency standards for the applicable structures requiring code compliance.
    1. The District shall consider a certificate of completion or similar occupancy permit issued by a building official and recognized by the State of Washington or other official and/or agency approved by the District, as evidence of satisfactory compliance with the District's energy efficiency standards in lieu of verification by District representatives.
    2. Failure to secure the proper inspections and/or to comply with the District's energy efficiency standards will result in denial of service or disconnection.
  2. Federal and Tribal Areas - In those areas of the District's service territory not regulated by the State of Washington, the current Washington State Energy Code and the current Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, as applicable to Group R occupancy, shall be considered the District's minimum energy efficiency standards. The standards shall be applied by the District in a way that parallels enforcement by the State of Washington for the purposes of regulating the distribution of electric energy in a uniform manner and providing for the actual and prospective needs of the District.
    1. District representatives shall be notified and allowed access to verify compliance with the District's energy efficiency standards.
    2. Failure to comply with the District's energy efficiency standards will result in assessment of an Energy Resources Surcharge in order to receive or maintain new or altered electrical service.