XVII. Privately Constructed Roadways, Driveways & Bridges

  1. Personnel and equipment of the District, are in many instances required to gain access to the Customer's property by traversing privately owned access routes. In many instances, the access routes include privately constructed roadways, driveways, and bridges that have not been constructed or maintained in accordance with state or county standards
  2. While the Board of Commissioners of the District recognizes the responsibility to provide services to all persons and properties within the District, it also recognizes its responsibility to use reasonable means to protect District personnel and equipment from unreasonable risks that could result in injury to persons or damage to property.
  3. In order to provide reasonable protection to District personnel and equipment without impairing the District's ability to provide service in all parts of the District, it is the policy of the District to impose the following requirements and conditions.
  4. The District requires that all privately owned bridges have the maximum weight limit of the bridge, as determined by a qualified engineer, conspicuously posted on or adjacent to the bridge. The property owner shall furnish a copy of the engineering inspection report to the District.
  5. In the event any bridge shall not be inspected or posted as required above, or in the event the weight of District vehicles shall exceed the posted limit, vehicles, other than light-weight vehicles, shall not be permitted to cross such bridge.
  6. In the event the District should discover any private roads, over which District vehicles would be required to travel, that are deemed to be unsafe or unusable in the opinion of District personnel because of road grade, road width, unstable surface conditions, vehicle height limitations or other factors, the District vehicles shall not be permitted to travel on such roads.
  7. In the event that District personnel shall become aware of any unsafe or un-posted bridge or unsafe private roadways, the District shall notify the reputed owners of all improved properties served by such bridge or roadway in writing of such fact as soon as is reasonably possible.