Electric Rate Schedule

Schedule G Green Rate – Residential, Farm, Large Power, School


This rate applies to all customers who choose to purchase green power. Energy under this rate schedule is provided from a qualified alternative resource.


  • Energy Charge: an additional 0.3 ¢ per kWh*

Note: Green power is available to purchase in 100 kWh blocks or on all energy purchased.

Rules & Regulations

Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.

* Does not include state or local taxes

Effective: April 1, 2024

Schedule E-I Large Industrial Service


This Schedule applies to customers with metered loads exceeding 1000 kW. Any customer purchasing power under this rate schedule which has all or a portion of its load designated a "New Large Single Load," or has all or a portion of its load monitored to determine if it should be so designated, shall be ineligible to purchase power under this rate schedule for that portion of its load which has been designated as, or is being monitored for designation as a "New Large Single Load."

The Board of Commissioners specifies that a "New Large Single Load" is any load associated with a new facility, an existing facility, or an expansion of an existing facility:

  1. Which is not contracted for, or committed to, as determined by the Bonneville Power Administrator, by the District prior to September 1, 1979, and
  2. Which will result in an increase in power requirements of such customer of ten average megawatts and/or more in any consecutive twelve month period.

This definition conforms with the definition of "New Large Single Load" contained in §3(13) of the Regional Power Act (P.L. 96-501) and in the District's power supply contract with Bonneville, Contract No. 96MS-94953. Any and all costs, in addition to those contained in the rates set forth below, which the District must pay as a result of any new or existing customer being monitored for determination or determined to be a "New Large Single Load," including but not limited to monitoring, backbilling, metering, billing, and penalties, shall be directly charged to that customer above and beyond the rates set forth below. These additional costs charged directly to the customer may also include increased power costs for any preceding period during which power was supplied, to that customer, during which the customer was retroactively determined to be a "New Large Single Load."

Standard Demand Rate

Basic Customer Charge$314.02 per month*
Energy ChargeAll Energy at 5.14¢ per kWh*
Demand Charge$7.27 per kW of Recorded Demand*
Power Factor ChargeSee description below

Recorded Demand

The Recorded Demand under this schedule shall be the larger of the following demand factors:

  1. The Contract Demand, if any.
  2. The highest 15-minute demand during the month is determined by the demand meter.

Power Factor Charge

When the measured average Power Factor (P.F.) is less than 95% lagging, the Power Factor charge will be computed as follows:

  • Power Factor Charge = [ ( .95 ÷ P.F. )-1] x Demand Charge

Minimum Charge

93.97¢ per kW of connected load per month*

Primary Service

Service may be taken at the available primary distribution voltage, and a discount from the above rates granted if provided for by contract.

Rules & Regulations

Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.

Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

CETA Low Income Assistance Charge is $1.07 per month†

* Does not include state or local taxes
† Will be evaluated on an annual basis

Effective: April 1, 2024

Schedule E-4 Seasonal Irrigation Service


This rate applies to all seasonal irrigation customers.


Basic Customer ChargeSingle Phase$28.48 per month*
3 Phase$56.97 per month*
Energy ChargeAll Energy 7.34¢ per kWh*

Rules & Regulations

Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.

  1. Seasonal irrigation accounts will be read during the months April through September.
  2. Accounts will be placed on inactive status, not physically disconnected, during the period from the September reading to the April reading.
  3. All accounts under this rate schedule will be billed 30 days basic customer charge with the April meter reading.
  4. All accounts under this rate schedule will be billed the basic customer charge during the April.

Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

CETA Low Income Assistance Charge is $1.07 per month†

* Does not include state or local taxes
† Will be evaluated on an annual basis

Effective: April 1, 2024

Schedule E-L Large General Service


To commercial and individual customers including schools, public agencies and other users not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand is at least 300kW during the year and less than 1,000kW at least ten times per year


Basic Customer Charge$209.61 per month*
Energy ChargeAll Energy at 5.38¢ per kWh*
Demand Charge$5.85 per kW of Recorded Demand*
Power Factor ChargeSee description below

Recorded Demand

The Recorded Demand under this schedule shall be the larger of the following demand factors:

  1. The Contract Demand, if any.
  2. The highest 15-minute demand during the month as determined by demand meter

Power Factor Charge

When the measured average Power Factor (P.F.) is less than 95% lagging, the Power Factor charge will be computed as follows:

  • Power Factor Charge = [ ( .95 ÷ P.F. )-1] x Demand Charge

Primary Service

Service may be taken at the available primary distribution voltage, and a discount from the above rates granted if provided for by contract.

Monthly Minimum

93.97¢ per kW of connected load per month*

Rules & Regulations

Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.

Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

CETA Low Income Assistance Charge is $1.07 per month†

* Does not include state or local taxes
† Will be evaluated on an annual basis

Effective: April 1, 2024

Schedule E-M Medium General Service


To commercial and individual customers including schools, public agencies, and other users not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand is greater than 50kW at any time and less than 300kW at least ten times per year.


Basic Customer Charge$75.81 per month*
Energy ChargeAll Energy at 6.64¢ per kWh*
Demand Charge$3.77 per kW of Recorded Demand*
Power Factor ChargeSee description below

Recorded Demand

The Recorded Demand under this schedule shall be the larger of the following demand factors:

  1. The Contract Demand, if any.
  2. The highest 15-minute demand during the month as determined by demand meter.

Power Factor Charge

When the measured average Power Factor (P.F.) is less than 95% lagging, the Power Factor charge will be computed as follows:

  • Power Factor Charge = [ ( .95 ÷ P.F. )-1] x Demand Charge

Primary Service

Service may be taken at the available primary distribution voltage, and a discount from the above rates granted if provided for by contract.

Monthly Minimum

93.97¢ per kW of connected load per month*

Rules & Regulations

Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.

Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

CETA Low Income Assistance Charge is $1.07 per month†

* Does not include state or local taxes
† Will be evaluated on an annual basis

Effective: April 1, 2024

Schedule E-4 Small General Service


To commercial and individual customers including schools, public agencies, and other users not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand is less than 50kW at all times.


Basic Customer ChargeSingle Phase$48.11 per month*
Three-Phase$96.22 per month*
Energy ChargeAll Energy7.76¢ per kWh*

Rules & Regulations

Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.

Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

CETA Low Income Assistance Charge is $1.07 per month†

* Does not include state or local taxes
† Will be evaluated on an annual basis

Effective: April 1, 2024

Schedule E-4 General Service – Residential, Farm

Standard Rate


To residential and farm customers for domestic, seasonal or recreational use. A residential service is service to any building, facility or structure that is associated with a residence, either single or multi family.


Basic Customer ChargeSingle Phase$41.92 per month*
Three-Phase$83.81 per month*
Energy ChargeAll Energy7.97¢ per kWh*

Low-Income Discounts

Energy assistance for low-income individuals is administered by Olympic Community Action through the LIHEAP program application.

Rules & Regulations

Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.

Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

CETA Low Income Assistance Charge is $1.07 per month†

* Does not include state or local taxes
† Will be evaluated on an annual basis

Effective: April 1, 2024

Schedule E-2 Area Lighting Service


This Schedule applies to service for exterior lighting through District-owned fixtures.

Character of Service

The District will furnish, install, and maintain standard exterior lighting fixtures and related appurtenances, which shall be and continue to be the property of the District. Installation will only be made after receipt of the installation charge; an additional charge, as set forth in the District's Unit Costs, where a service pole is required for mounting of the fixture; and a contract signed by the property owner guaranteeing payment of the monthly rates for 5 years.

New District-owned exterior lighting will be accomplished through H.P. Sodium Vapor fixtures.

100 Watt H.P. Sodium Vapor (1) fixture (per fixture):
Located in an unmetered position:$12.71 per month*
Located in a metered position:$6.67 per month*
200 Watt H.P. Sodium Vapor (2) fixture (per fixture):
Located in an unmetered position: $19.02 per month*
Located in a metered position:$9.99 per month*
400 Watt H.P. Sodium Vaporfixture (per fixture):
Located in an unmetered position:$30.98 per month*
Separate Transformer Charge$9.30 per month*

Rules and Regulations

Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.

  1. Existing 175-watt Mercury Vapor fixtures charged at this rate
  2. Existing 400-watt Mercury Vapor fixtures charged at this rate

Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

CETA Low Income Assistance Charge is $1.07 per month†

* Does not include state or local taxes
† Will be evaluated on an annual basis

Effective: April 1, 2024