Clallam County Hazard Mitigation Planning Community Survey

Please read the below message from the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Management Division. We encourage you to participate in this survey as Clallam Public Utility District (PUD) will be integrating the results of the study into our Strategic Plan, Capitol projects, and Emergency Response & Restoration Plan.

The Clallam County Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Management Division, has many emergency planning and preparedness responsibilities. Among these tasks is keeping current with the Clallam County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is a federally approved plan that examines the vulnerable hazards we face in our area and identifies ideas and thoughts on projects to prepare and mitigate the danger to our community and perhaps reduce damage to infrastructure. Having this approved plan in place enhances the ability of government entities and others to be eligible for grants to address these problems.

The Hazard Mitigation Plan is updated every 5 years. This year, we are pursuing an updated multi-jurisdictional plan that will include all our cities, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, Clallam PUD, Peninsula College, and the Port of Port Angeles. Numerous other stakeholders are also working with us as part of a Steering Committee that includes fire districts, emergency management planners, hospitals, businesses, the Makah Tribe, the Quileute Tribe, the Hoh Tribe, stakeholders from our neighboring jurisdiction, Jefferson County, and more. The Steering Committees’ input is essential in preparing a robust and effective plan. The public’s input in this process is equally vital.

We really want the citizens of Clallam County to be a part of this. So, Help Us, Help You by taking an online community survey. The community survey is available on the Clallam County website.

Your input is a vital part of the successful development and completion of this plan. The community survey will be available until May 10, 2024. But don’t wait, we want to hear from you now!

Hazard mitigation planning is an important part of protecting our community. Not only does it allow the County to receive Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding in the event of a disaster, but also lays a plan down on paper as to what should be done in the event of an emergency. As events across the globe have shown, having a plan in place in the event of a crisis can help save lives and money. This community survey kicks off the planning process. There will be many opportunities for the public to participate, including open house meetings during the summer 2024.

Thank you for your participation in developing and creating this important plan.