
Commercial Programs

Clallam County Public Utility District (PUD) is committed to helping local businesses save energy and reduce monthly electric bills. When bills go down, profits go up and the community’s economy is strengthened.

Whether an owner or a facility manager of a large industrial site, a small business owner, or an operator of a commercial venture, your PUD can provide a free energy consultation where we review your business’ production process; check a building’s lighting, heating, and cooling systems; help determine the highest consumers of electricity; and offer suggestions on how to possibly save energy each month. In some cases, the PUD can help to pay for upgrades to more energy-efficient equipment. Essentially, if it uses electrical energy, we encourage you to contact us so that we can begin a discussion about how we can better support you.


Electric lighting accounts for nearly 40% of all the energy consumed in U.S. commercial buildings each year. 1 of the best ways to reduce a business’ electric usage is to update the building’s lighting. With the added benefit of new modern lighting technologies, like LED and high-performance T8 fluorescent, you can often create a brighter and more pleasant lighted environment.

For interested electrical contractors and outside consultants, we utilize Bonneville Power Administration’s lighting calculator to calculate incentives and energy savings for new and retrofit lighting projects. Feel free to download a copy of that lighting calculator (XLS)), and do contact us if you have any questions or comments. We are here to support you.

Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

The Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) rebate program was designed to be flexible enough to meet the needs of small and large commercial and institutional customers like schools and governments. We have incentives for heat pumps, and ductless heat pumps, and have the flexibility to work with you on other HVAC solutions through our custom project process, described below. We can work directly with your trusted heating contractor to help maximize the efficiency of your business’ HVAC equipment or you can contact 1 of our participating installers directly.

Custom Projects

Customers considering capital improvement projects; an extensive maintenance overhaul; or upgrades to air compressor systems, water pumps, or refrigeration equipment may receive technical assistance from the District. We have access to technical expertise and industry experts from throughout the Northwest that you may find helpful as well as we can help to pay for the purchase and installation of a higher efficiency option, reducing operating costs and saving money on future utility bills.

These services are available to all of our customers, and we are interested in talking about and potentially funding basically anything that we can verify to provide measurable energy savings that will benefit both you and the District as an organization.

Energy Smart Industrial

In order to better serve our industrial customers’ varied needs and operations, we’ve partnered with Bonneville Power Administration to offer the expertise of the BPA’s Energy Smart Industrial (ESI) contract team. Through ESI we offer project development for new and existing projects. We encourage you to talk to us so that we can figure out exactly how we can tailor this program to your specific needs.

Clean Buildings

Do you own a covered commercial building over 50,000 square feet? If so, there is a new statewide Clean Building Performance Standard (Standard) that may apply to a building you own. The Standard is mandatory for all covered commercial buildings located in the state of Washington, starting in 2026. A covered commercial building is a building where the sum of nonresidential, hotel, motel, and dormitory floor areas exceed 50,000 gross square feet, excluding the parking garage area.

The Department of Commerce (Commerce) will be posting compliance requirements and a full list of possible covered commercial buildings on the Clean Buildings webpage, available beginning July 1, 2021. The list was generated using records obtained from each county assessor and other available information sources. Commerce will also be mailing notification letters to building owners after quality assurance checks on the list are complete.

The Early Adopter Incentive Program also launches on July 1, 2021. The program provides financial incentives to encourage early compliance with the Standard. A form will be available on the webpage on the day of the launch for building owners to communicate their intent to apply. Incentive funds are limited to $75 million. For more information about this program and the qualifications for applying, please visit the Clean Buildings Early Adopter Incentive Program webpage.

If you want your billing data entered automatically into Energy Start Portfolio Manager, please email Mattias Järvegren, or give him a call at (360) 565-3263.